Not like I make any money off them, but it’s nice to know the joy is being spread around the world.
Cable Guy
The publishing of these comics ensures nobody misses the clever things I say to myself when no one else is around.
Wake Up
Jury duty was actually quite interesting, although I did nod off a few times.
No, my evals weren’t all positive, but I don’t expect them to be. My students for the most part were actually honest, which I do appreciate. :oP :o)
A Thousand Miles
Psshhh c’mon, man… that’s so cliche. :o| I tried this one doing the “inking” in Illustrator, then the coloring in Photoshop. Mmm… I didn’t like that heheh. I still don’t have a really satisfactory way of drawing comics. I like
Doodoo Bags
I actually do this. I mean, not the pooing in a bag part… but trying not to waste plastic bags. If you’re in the same boat, check out some ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle plastic bags.
Best of Both Worlds
Shooting ranges are fun.
Not Working
Life Is Good
Hey how’s it goin.
Yeeeah… this was a difficult one for me. I guess it was somehow amusing when I pictured it in my head. I spent a lot of time struggling with Adobe Illustrator. Not really happy with the execution…