For teachers (or parents… or students) I made these last year as an attempt to help my students improve their number sense.
Market Feedback
Not like I make any money off them, but it’s nice to know the joy is being spread around the world.
Cable Guy
The publishing of these comics ensures nobody misses the clever things I say to myself when no one else is around.
Wake Up
Jury duty was actually quite interesting, although I did nod off a few times.
No, my evals weren’t all positive, but I don’t expect them to be. My students for the most part were actually honest, which I do appreciate. :oP :o)
A Thousand Miles
Psshhh c’mon, man… that’s so cliche. :o| I tried this one doing the “inking” in Illustrator, then the coloring in Photoshop. Mmm… I didn’t like that heheh. I still don’t have a really satisfactory way of drawing comics. I like
Poor Man’s Earbud Cord Wrap
There are several do-it-yourself earbud cord wraps out there. Some are nice, some are… resourceful. I’ve seen some made of foam (from old flip-flops maybe) or credit cards, but I have yet to see one as cheap (or at least
How to prepare for the General Science and Physics CSET (118, 119, 123)
I couldn’t find many decent free resources on the internet or decent books on CSET test preparation, especially for the General Science and Physics CSET subtests, so I did my own research and here’s what I found helpful. Please leave
It’s Not Easy Being Green
Being “green” (environmentally) is complicated. I used to think it was simple, probably like many other people think. Just look for an “organic” label, right? Recycle = good, right? It’s easy to do these things and feel good about ourselves,
Doodoo Bags
I actually do this. I mean, not the pooing in a bag part… but trying not to waste plastic bags. If you’re in the same boat, check out some ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle plastic bags.